Yesterday I started the chore that I have been dreading for ages...........Cleaning out the old craft room!!
So far so good, I'm pacing myself (with DH's help today - He's holding the rubbish bags!!!) I will continue and finish this.
And good things happen when you have a clear out, I found this table cloth thing that my sister Rose and I made for mum when we were 15. I remember doing a new topic at school, patchwork, and English paper piecing was the thing. Well, I just wanted to do something worth while, not just dabble. So we embarked on this project, all hand stitched together, it was huge!! Well we thought it was.
The colours are accecptable-ish for that time,
But the backing - what were we thinking, orange gingham!!
we machine zig-zagged it all around, so I guess that was a good effort considering we didn't get any help from mum and we were only 15.
And that was the last I was ever going to do with patchwork!!!
Who in their right mind would do such a craft, all that hand sewing!!!!
Well 20 years later my best friend Sandra re-introduced me to this craft, but I wasn't going to succumb!!
she mentioned you could machine piece, Well maybe dabble a little................. maybe a I do a bit of everything!!
Looking at it now I have to say it was was a fantastic effort on our part!!
Back to it
till next time
Enjoy It, Live It, Love it
PS. My sister has absolutely nothing to do with any sort of craft!!!