We've just got back for our holiday to our usual and favorite camping spot Inverloch.(2 weeks is not long enough)
Back into the swing of things. First up Friday's Fences. This year, I looked around with different eyes, Fences!!
And there were some really fabulous ones...........that I've never noticed, but I'm sure have been there forever.
This fence is along the track that leads to the Bluff.
It must cop a real beating when the southerly hits it and the tide extra high.
View from the top of the bluff. I walked (I now HAVE to walk daily) with my friend Kristine some days to the top of the Bluff and we would do the 'circuit' 4 times (all up about 4.5kms), this was the view each time we reached the top........ the inlet, that was reward enough for me!!
Going out in the opposite direction was this view (that's the Bluff in the distance). We camp somewhere
in between
As usual the sunsets were........, well I couldn't help myself, I'd have to drag myself down to the inlet and have a look, it's one of those things in life that just has to be done...........mmm hmm!! Yep, just like that!
I'll be back with more soon.
Till next time
Enjoy It, Live It, Love It