Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Quilt Hanging

I'm all excited. Yesterday I managed to hang my 'Journey of a Quilter' quilt in my sewing room. It was such a lovely feeling to see it hang up in my own room. I started this quilt in 2006 and finished it in 2008. Its been tucked away in a cupboard since (never a spare wall to hang something) until now. The rod i put up has these little clips called 'cafe clips' so I can change the quilts I put up. I think this one will be up for a while. 

Here's a little glimpse of the ensuite and WIR as they are at the moment, more on that when it happens,
the ensuite is straight off the bedroom, and off that, the WIR, which is on an outside wall. These will now be swapped around. YAY!

Till next time
Enjoy It, Live It, Love It 


Bev said...

Ramona(EH) i love your sewing room looks good i am very jealous, how exciting to finally have your own sewing space.


Judy said...

Your quilt is so pretty...I want to hang some of my quilts up...Did you sew on ties? I like how you did it.
I also love you big window to let natural light in. I moved my sewing room into Laurens old room when she moved out, much more room and light over there. I told here if ever she moves back she can have it :)

Ozjane said...

One day I should pull all these cat posters down and I may have a little wall space for hanging a quilt.
New room looks fabulous.