Sunday, 3 July 2011


......Licorice Allsorts ;-D
This post is a little like that.
The other day while sewing in my sewing room I looked up to find I had company.....
one of the had a bread roll!!!

I went out the side door to find them everywhere.

I think everyone was waiting for this fellow to drop his bread

They are stunning these cocky's, but very distructive when food is scarce.

We had another one of those foggy mornings last week, I felt like I was sitting on top of the world. We've had some stunning days this week. Freezing cold nights and gorgeous sunny days. Today is a grey windy rainy day..........

....perfect for some quilting.

This is my first (start to finish) project to come out of my new sewing room.
I have not hand quilted for over 2 years, so these cold winter nights are just perfect for it

Whatever you do today
Enjoy It, Live It, Love It


The Patch Craft said...

Nice to see he bought lunch with him. Lol

Ozjane said...

You are welcome to the cockies...But I love the quilt. Oh that I would get the one hanging round my neck finished.

Janis said...

Hi Ramona, Love the site, looking forward to weekend away.

Can you please update your clock, got a fright at the time today!