Friday, 4 May 2012

Friday's Fences

This house and their fence backed onto the beach.

Linking with Friday's Fences

Till next time

Enjoy It, Live It, Love It


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Someone went to a lot of trouble to shape that fence like waves!

Elusive Spring Storm

Rose said...

I do wonder how much work those waves!

Jan n Jer said... the wavey fence...very unique!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

oh, that is perfect for the beach. so neat!! (:

Nature in the Burbs said...


Anonymous said...

Neat fence. I like those little peek holes.

Tanya Breese said...

well isn't that the perfect beach fence!

Faye said...

Well, of course it did! What a fanciful design. Think I'd probably like the owner of this fence.

A Colorful World said...

Wonderful design! They should paint it blue.

Roan said...

Who would have thought of making a fence like this one. Are those peep holes in the side? Cool find!