Friday, 8 June 2012

Friday's Fences

I just love kookaburras. This fellow was in my front garden last week, waiting for his breakfast.
On the menu was a few juicy worms and a yabby, and some other grub things.
 My fence is behind, sorry, not totally correct, but if I had have run out to get the shot from in front of the fence he would have flown away.
Linking with Friday's Fences
Till next time
Enjoy It, Live It, Love It


TexWisGirl said...

ha ha! a fence behind works just as well! :)

Rose said...

I love that wagonwheel and the kookaburra!

Carletta said...

Great composition!
Kookaburra sits on the old tree stump.... :)

Kim, USA said...

I like that wheel I've been looking for that one and if I find one it is expensive ^_^


genie said...

What a great pair...the kookaburra and the wagon wheel. I likve the way the stand out against the fencing. genie

Jan n Jer said...

Love that kookaburra...I believe it's my first time seeing one!

Judy said...

It's an interesting yard! And I love the kookaburra!!

Judy said...

Wow, I love coming to your blog I see things I don't ever get to take pictures of.

Elaine said...

Lovely photo - could I ask - what is a yabby?

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i'm definitely out of the loop. i had to look up what a kookaburras was ... what a gorgeous bird. lovely. great shot. (:

Tanya Breese said...

i don't think there's a right or wrong way for friday fences! what a cute guy!

Anonymous said...

I think it's a perfect shot of the fence behind, just where it belongs.

A Colorful World said...

A delightful post! Love the fence and the wagon wheel...and a kookaburra, what fun!