Friday, 12 April 2013

Friday's Fences

Not sure which one is the 'real' Fence

Linking with Friday's Fences

Busy day today preparing for our Stitched in Time weekend
See you all next week, hopefully with lots of photos of the weekend.

Till next time
Enjoy It, Live It, Love It


Judy said...

Have lots of fun! Is Stitched in Time like a quilt retreat?

Anonymous said...

nice, airy fence. love those roofs, so pretty =)

genie said...

The homeowner definitely does not want anyone on the property. At least you can see through it. genie

Tanya Breese said...

huh, me neither lol

Elizabeth Edwards said...

love the clouds. i agree with Genie - at least you can see through the fences. that is nice. makes it feel not as closed it. nice!! ( :

Liz Needle said...

Good luck with the Quilting Weekend. There's a lot of fence there in that shot.

Jan n Jer said...

Have an awesome weekend.