Saturday, 1 January 2011

Happy New Year

Another year is upon us, and I would like to
Wish you all a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous, Safe,
Love Filled and Peaceful Year in 2011.
Take a little time for yourself to enjoy the things you love, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem.

I'm going to start my first project for 2011 in my new room, (New room, new Project, there's plenty of time to finish things off later)it's not totally set up, not even close, but I figure if I start the year off in there, it can only be a good thing! ;-D

I bought this gorgeous range of fabric, plus a few extras last year, so I'm starting with this. I have a gorgeous pattern by my friend Gail called Winter Blooms which I think will suit it perfectly. 

Off to start now
Till next time

Enjoy it, Live it, Love it


Lesley said...

Hi Ramona, Thanks for sentiments,hope you and the family enjoy your holiday, new room and the new year. Love Lesleyxxx

Janis said...

Hi Ramona, when are you going down to Inverloch? Glad we are not there now, I think it has rained every day!