Friday, 26 April 2013

Friday Fences

This pretty little fence has this tree behind it for my FF today, it looks like it's on fire!!

Linking with Friday's Fences

Till Next Time
Enjoy It, Live It, Love It


Elizabeth Edwards said...

gorgeous color, wow!! ( :

Jan n Jer said...

It is beautiful!

genie said...

What vibrant color...a lovely capture. Nice little fence, too. genie

Judy said...

That does look like it's on fire!

Leave It To Davis said...

Often wondered if it was something just like that Moses saw when he saw the firey bush.

Ramona said...

I never thought of that, could well have been.

biebkriebels said...

A lovely picture of the fence and the tree as well.

Liz Needle said...

Beautiful autumn colour. Is it a maple?

Pat said...

A pretty fence and a beautiful tree!