Goodness me!!! Where has the time gone?? Its been nearly 4 weeks since my last post and I was going to try and do one a week!!
With our holiday well and truly behind us things are really happening around here. Justin is back at school, Laura starts Uni this year and a new project has begun, so my stitching will be taking a back seat for a while .
The NEW Project...............An Extension to our house!! And I am the Project Manager??? roflol, DH Theo is labourer and our friend Graham is builder.
We've already started taking down/demolishing the back patio and deck and last weekend Laura's room and the study were demolished!!
All this will be replaced with two new bedrooms, Justin's existing room will become the study, I get a new little sewing room, a new family room and a new laundry and loo. And out the back a new deck area too. I am very excited.
Here's how the back looked about 4weeks ago, the deck and Laura's Room back wall.
Patio and part of the garden.
Laura's room!!
So now, just waiting for the real construction to begin. Hopefully the stumps will go in this weekend???
Just waiting for the surveyor now.
Whatever you do today, ENJOY!!